Looking for a fun way to share profiles? Use the Name Tag feature. Great for meetings, workshops, retreats, and data mining!
The Name Tag feature allows you to generate the Natural Self profile on each individual. Name tags can be generated on one or a hundred or more individuals.
Name tags are designed to print on Avery #5395 8-up labels (adhesive or plain).
Why are the names in different colors?
Individuals' names are colored differently based on their highest trait. You will find several advantages for the different colors. As a facilitator, you can know a person's highest trait from across the room based on the color of their name. The colors are also great for group icebreaker exercises (find people with the same name color, or different name color, what do you like and dislike, etc....)
The colors are as follows:
Dominance = red
Extroversion = blue
Pace = gold
Conformity = green
The colors are based on PDP's ProScan personality model graphic.