How to survey data and trait analysis

Discover the different options available for analyzing your survey data to reveal trends to proactively manage your people.

Note: The All tab now reads Active.


Readily available to all accounts is the ability to filter surveys based on an individuals highest trait—Dominance, Extroversion, Pace, and Conformity. Go to View All and click on the Filter field. From the Filters panel, select Highest Trait option and the trait to filter on. Click Select to narrow the results to based on the filter option selected.

EN - View All - Filter-1

Want more data to do deeper analysis?

There are several available options for extracting data points on the surveys and resultant trait metrics. The Data Analytics with API integration provides users with several choices to meet their research needs. 

Option A—Does not provide data for analysis purposes.

Option B—Provides six data items from the Natural Self trait information including 1. profile structure (e.g., D/E/N/P/C),  2. highest trait,  3. lowest trait,  4. logic,  5. primary energy style and  6. kinetic energy. This option provides great information for conducting qualitative analysis.


Option C—Ideal for quantitative analysis, this option provides scores for Natural Self traits and Priority Environment stress, satisfaction and energy drain scores. Also included are the six Natural Self items from option B.

Option D—Provides applicant match % score. Combined with option B or C would lend to data analysis on applicants. 


For more information, samples of data and developer documentation for API implementation, please visit the API page.