How to add custom interview questions to the candidate interview report

Does your organization have specific interview questions depending on the open position? Add them to your PDP account to generate in the Candidate Interview report!

Many organizations have specific questions to ask for certain positions. The "Custom Interview Questions" feature allows you to standardize interviews by adding them to the JobScan Candidate Interview report.

Adding custom interview questions

Click Create > Custom Interview Questions.

Create - Custom Interview

Complete the Create Custom Interview Question panel

Writing a question from scratch can slow you down so PDP provides a library of frequently asked questions to get you started. Click Select question from library and select from the library listing. Don't like the way the library question is worded? Don't worry, you can edit it and customize it to your preference. Want to create your own? Enter your question in the Custom Interview Question(s)... field. Use the enter key and break up multiple questions by adding blank lines. The Question Category is an identifier displayed on the view page and is helpful to keep questions organized. Lastly, check all the relevant positions that your custom interview questions should be used with. Custom questions will print at the end of the PDP standard Candidate Interview report.

Create - Custom Interview Panel 2

Want your custom interview questions to display in a specific order? Drag and drop questions on the View Custom Interview Questions page. See the How to change order of custom interview questions article.