Have a position open that you need to fill? Use JobScan to attract and hire the best!
JobScan provides a systematic approach to customizing your screening and selection process. Forget generic industry or stereotypical benchmarks that your competitor uses. Customize your position benchmarks to accurately identify what is best for your organization’s culture and success.
Creating a JobScan Model identifies the behavioral traits required for success. The JobScan becomes the benchmark for matching applicants.
How it works
- Send survey invitations to all contributors
- Create a JobScan Model
- Review JobScan and edit to refine JobScan Model so it is the best benchmark for behavioral traits
- Update job posting with "How to Advertise" words to attract quality applicants
- Match applicants to open positions
- Conduct structured interviews using the behavioral interviewing guide with job-related questions
- Make an offer and hire the best
Contributors to the JobScan Model
Identify who should contribute their survey inputs for the new JobScan Model. For best results, we suggest surveying top performers, direct managers of the position and individuals knowledgeable of the position's tasks and responsibilities. This provides a nice wide net to capture who is doing the job, what management's expectations of the job are and what other people think is needed for working with that position.
Who to survey and which survey to administer
Who | Survey |
Top performers | ProScan |
Direct managers | JobScan |
Individuals knowledgeable of position |
JobScan |
- ProScan Surveys - Top performers
- JobScan Surveys - Direct managers and individuals knowledgeable of position tasks and responsibilities
Create JobScan Model
Once all the contributors are surveyed, you are ready to create a JobScan Model.
Click Create > JobScan Model. Enter the name of the new JobScan Model in the field. Select which Folder to save the JobScan under. Click Continue.
Now you are ready to select all the contributor surveys and add them to the JobScan. Use the Search or Filter fields to narrow down the listing, select each contributor by checking the check box, then click Add button in the bottom right. Below illustrates using the Filter field by Folder = Sales. Filtering narrows down the list to quickly select the seven contributor surveys. Note Jim Jacobs and Pat Smith completed the JobScan Survey (colored in red) since they are direct managers. The others completed ProScan Surveys (colored in blue) since they are top performers.
Once added, you can continue to search for other contributor surveys by clicking Add Contributor button. Mistakenly selected someone? Remove them by selecting again and clicking the Remove selected contributor(s) action link (see #1 below). If the name of the JobScan needs editing, click the Back to Details icon (see #2 below) and make name or folder changes. Once all the contributors are selected, click the Create button to save or click Create & View to save and open the new JobScan model report to review.