Ready to create high performance teams? Use the Create TeamScan feature to take your organization to the next level!
TeamScan builds on the individual metrics of ProScan and combines members into a group with several specific application reports. Designed to understand team culture and measure team performance, TeamScan improves relations and solidifies bonds by building upon the strengths of individuals and providing the necessary components to promote effective communication and conflict resolution.
How it works
- Send ProScan Survey invitations to all team members
- Conduct a quick feedback session with each team member before the team session
- Create a TeamScan and select from nine report options based on the focus of the team session
- Conduct a team session—one session or multi-session, offsite retreat or on-site, 2-4 hours depending on areas to develop
How to Create a TeamScan
Once all the members are surveyed you are ready to create a TeamScan.
Click Create > TeamScan and complete the following items:
- Enter the name of the new Team in the field.
- Select which Folder to save the TeamScan under.
- Select the team reports—need a refresher on what report contains what information? Click the page icon to open a sample!
- Click Continue.
Now you are ready to select all the team member surveys. Use the Search or Filter fields to narrow down the listing, select each member by checking the check box, then click Add button in the bottom right. Below illustrates using the Filter field by Folder = Richard Smithson (branch manager). Filtering narrows down the list to quickly select the seven contributor surveys.
Once added, you can continue to search for other member surveys by clicking Add Member button. If someone was mistakenly selected you can remove them by selecting again and clicking the Remove selected member(s) action link (see 1 below). If the name of the TeamScan needs editing, click the Back to Details icon (see 2 below) and make name or folder changes. Once all the members are identified click the Create button to save or click Create & View to save and open the new TeamScan report to build a high-performance team.