How to share a JobScan Model with other users

Need to share a JobScan Model with other users? Learn how.

Sharing a JobScan Model with other users is quick and easy. Go to View > JobScan Models. Find the model to share and click the User Access button on the right side of the row. 

View JobScan Models - User Access

From the JobScan Model Access panel, click all the folders to share the model. Users with access to that folder will have access to the selected model.

View JobScan Models - JobScan Access Panel

When JobScan Models are shared, it is important to understand that the contributor thumbnails will not be visible to the shared user. This is to prevent disclosing who the top performers are, in case that is sensitive information for an account.

It is also important to understand that the shared users will not be able to edit the model. This is to prevent models from being changed once approved for screening and selection.