System Requirements

What is required to use

Technical requirements for using are minimal but include:

A modern web browser officially supports the current and previous versions of the following web browsers and the operating systems and platforms that run those browsers.

Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Mozilla Firefox

Javascript and cookies must not be disabled for

Several areas of are supported on mobile devices. Development is ongoing to broaden that support.


Keep your browser current automatically. ⇒
Be sure to restart your browser after each update to apply the new version.

A PDF reader

The means to view .pdf files is required to view reports created by Most modern web browsers have built-in support for displaying .pdf files. Alternatively, PDP recommends the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Ability to receive email

Any email service provider and email client configured to allow (whitelist) all messages from, and including those containing .pdf files as attachments for all recipients.

  • All authenticated users of are required to have a unique and valid email address.
  • does not permit multiple concurrent sessions per user email address (login).