Take a sneak peek at the redesigned user interface and the powerful new features and functions we put into the 5.1 release.
Released — January 1,2023
Here's what you need to know for a smooth transition into the 5.1 version of PDPworks.
The new user interface (UI) provides you actionable information and new powerful features to help your business succeed.
The View and Create pages are where you will see the most of the changes in the new version of the program. Using the most popular page, the View All page, we will step through four key differences so you're ready for the switchover on January 1.
Four key areas to understand
- Tabs
- Action Button Bar
- Search and Filter Bar
- Table of Surveys and Reports
1. Tabs
The first row on every page will displays tabs pertinent to that page. For View All, the tabs are All, Invitations, Selected, and Archived. The number to the right of each tab label lets you know at a glance how many surveys or reports you have in each category.
Clicking on any tab will change the table list results.
- All displays all active surveys and reports.
- Invitations lists all invitations that have been sent and that are still pending until the invitee completes the survey.
- Selected lists reports that have been selected with the checkbox. Now you can conduct searches across multiple criteria. As individuals are selected with each search parameter, their reports will be added to the selected tab. A useful example is printing Name Tags from different departments or date ranges.
- Archived preserves the history of individuals but removes them from your daily use views.
2. Action Button Bar
As individuals are selected by checking the checkbox, the action buttons will display in bold according to what actions can be done with the selection(s).
- View generates the selected reports into a single PDF for easy viewing or printing.
- Upgrade provides the ability to upgrade to another report option (e.g., Manager QuickView or Executive Summary).
- Archive moves the selected individual from the All list to the Archived list.
- Move allows individuals to be moved to a different folder
- Name Tags generates a single PDF with the small data sheet of each selected individual
- Resend triggers another survey invitation to be sent to the invitee.
- Edit & Resend gives you the ability to edit the name, email, folder, and survey language and to resend it to the invitee.
3. Search and Filter Bar
What you can search by varies according to the page. In View All you can search by name, title, or email, whereas in View TeamScans you can search by team name.
Clicking the filter field opens the Filters panel, where you can choose from several useful options including Notes and tags, Date start and end (seven days, year-to-date, or custom range), Folder, Survey type (ProScan, Applicant ProScan, or JobScan), Source (manual entry, invitation, survey link, external API invitation, Greenhouse ATS, or BrassRing), and Highest trait (dominance, extroversion, pace, or conformity).
Want to see only the individuals with High Extroversion? Use the filter feature to quickly select by Highest Trait. Click Filter > Highest Trait > Extroversion.
To the far right of the search and filter bar is the download list icon, which you can click the download list for a CSV file of your all the individuals listed.
4. Table of Surveys and Reports
Column headers are clickable, allowing you to sort the list in the order you prefer. Columns will vary by the view page you are on. For View All, the column headers are Name, Email, Job Title, Date, Folder and Report.
Clicking on a row opens the detailed information so that the name, title, email and soon can be edited.
What's the red flag all about?
Check out PDP's newest feature, Response Integrity, which alerts you to questionable surveys based on research of 65,000 surveys.
View TeamScans
Here are some notable enhancements to the View TeamScans page you will want to know about.
In addition to the tabs, action buttons, search and filter fields, and clickable columns for sorting covered in the View All section above, the new View TeamScans table makes it easier for you to select or deselect team reports. Reports are hyperlinked to open a report individually. When a mix of reports are what you want, simply uncheck the reports that are not to be printed, check the box to the left of the team name, and then click View.
Note that the Name Tags and Connect with Me reports have to be generated separately to avoid performance issues due to the possibility of a large number of pages.
View JobScan Models
On the View JobScan Models screen you will find enhanced tabs, action buttons, search and filter, and column sorts. What's new is the User Access button, which gives you the ability to share a JobScan with other users in the organization.
Clicking the User Access button opens the following panel. When you select a folder, other users with access to that folder will be able to use the JobScan Model accordingly.
When JobScan Models are shared, it is important to understand that the contributor thumbnails will not be visible to the shared user. This is to prevent disclosing who the top performers are, in case that is sensitive information for an account.
Create JobScans and TeamScan Pages
The pages for creating TeamScans and JobScans are greatly improved. Gone are the endless scroll, scroll, scroll screens (you know what we are referring to). Now, the create process starts you off with a panel where you name the team (or job) and select the reports to generate. Once that step is done, simply click the Add Member button (Add Contributors for JobScan) to search, add individuals, and save your new team or job.
If you need to search across your database, take advantage of the Selected tab. A friendly reminder about this new feature: As you search and select individuals, they will be added to the Selected tab, allowing you to search and filter on other parameters until all your members or job contributors have been selected. Click Add to review before clicking the Save button.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the 5.1 release. Although the user interface is different, most users have been quick to adjust and appreciate the new layout design as well as the fantastic features for searching, filtering, and sorting. We hope you enjoy it too!