How to create an applicant match

Ready to match an applicant to a position? Use the JobScan applicant matching feature!

Take the risk out of hiring with objective behavioral benchmarking and applicant matching solutions. JobScan provides a systematic approach to customizing your screening and selection process.

How it works

  • Recruit and survey applicants
  • Match applicants to open positions 
    • Use the JobScan hiring template to see how applicants match or mis-match
    • Review the job match % score and information as to how the applicant compares to the job
  • Conduct structured interviews using the behavioral interviewing guide with job-related questions
  • Make an offer and hire the best

Create Applicant Match Options

There are three ways to create applicant matches. Which one works best for you?

1. Applicant Survey link—integrate with job board, online application, or applicant email template. Automatically generates applicant match report(s) and emails to specified recipients. Read more>>

2. Applicant Survey Invitation—send applicant invitation. Generates applicant match report(s) and emails to specified recipients. Read more>>

3. Manually enter and create a match—administer in person and manually enter from Survey > Manual Applicant ProScan 

4. Create a match on an existing survey in your account—see below

Create Applicant Match on Existing Survey in Account

Go to Create > Applicant Match & Career Path. Select the desired reports and choose the JobScan Model to use for applicant matching. Click the Continue button to continue.

Create Applicant Match - Panel

Select the surveys to match. Use the Search and Filter options to narrow the list. Select by checking the check box and click Save or Save & View. Should you need to edit the reports or confirm that the correct JobScan Model was selected, click the Back to Details icon to review and continue.

Create Applicant Match - Select Applicants

Applicant Match Report Review

    • Use the JobScan hiring template to see how applicants match and what areas there are gaps to manage if hired
    • Review the job match % score and information as to how the applicant compares to the job
  • Conduct structured interviews using the Candidate Interview behavioral interviewing guide with job-related questions
  • Make an offer and hire the best!